Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome 2010!!!

Happy New Year!!! Welcome to my Blog. One of my resolutions this year is to make and keep up on a blog for all our family and friends. The kids are both growing up so fast it is sometimes hard for me to capture every moment and memory I want to remember all in one place. Hopefully this will help me to do that as well as share it with all the people we love; especially the ones we aren't able to see very often.

As most of you know I have been lucky and blessed enough to be able to stay home with the kids since Rylan was born. It is my full time job to be a mommy and while I had no idea how exhausting it was going to be, it has been the best, more rewarding job I have ever had. Jimmy gags every time I say it but I get paid in love everyday and that is the best compensation I could ever ask for. Not very effective for buying new clothes...but priceless. I know gushy huh?

McKenna is five already. Never thought five years could fly by so fast. She is starting her second half of kindergarten in Mrs. Hines class at Brown Elementary. She loves her teacher and all her classmates. She is also in her second session of gymnastics and started dance this past week. She loves both will hopefully want to continue. It absolutely gives me chills watching her... I am such a proud mamma! She gets smarter and more beautiful everyday. She is my best friend and I consider it an honor to be her mom and wake up every morning to watch and help her become a little woman.

My baby boy Rylan just turned five months. Everyone told me that little boys are momma's boys, and this one definitely is! However sometimes I think he might be more of a sister's boy. He looks at her with so much love. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. He has been the best baby since the day we brought him home. It seems like everyday he finds something new and amazing in this world, a feeling I am jealous of and think we should all feel on a daily basis. I hope he never looses that.

These are my kiddo's and the loves of my life. I hope this gives you a small glimpse into our lives and the overwhelming joy I feel every day. Don't get me wrong they have their moments :) but I am pretty much the luckiest momma in the world!

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