Monday, January 18, 2010

Rylan first cold!

Jimmy was sick last week so inevitably my baby had to get it too. Just a little cold. Runny nose and cough but he never ran a fever and he never let it get him down. Always smiling. I took him to the doctor last friday and the girls were all amazed that he was already sitting up so well and that he was so happy. He was smiling and laughing the whole time. Dr. Jones put him on Albuterol breathing treatments to break up the congestion in his chest. This brings back bad memories of my poor Kenna always having to have treatments for her chronic coughs. :( Hopefully this will not be a reoccurring thing like it was with her.

Here is my big boy taking his treatment so well. I think he actually likes it!!

sitting in sister's princess chair doing his treatment.

Rylan also started bananas and green beans this week. I don't think he was too thrilled with the bananas but was loving the green beans. He ate half the jar!! Can't wait to clean the diaper from that.

fishy face!!

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