Thursday, January 14, 2010

Brutally honest :)

I was taking McKenna to met her dad last saturday. Every weekend on the way to drop her off I tell her "mommy misses you so much when you are gone" and every weekend she tells me that she misses me too. This weekend was a different story. I told her how much I was going to miss her and she responded with how much she was going to miss me... About 5 to 10 minutes later she says "Hey mom" I respond "Yes baby?" Then she proceeds to break the news to me. "I have been thinking in my head whether to tell you but....I don't really miss you when I am at daddy's. I always love you but I don't miss you that much." While this kind of made me a little sad, I appreciated the time she took to think about whether or not to tell me and the fact that she broke it to me so kindly. She was so concerned about my feelings. When we got there I gave her a big hug and told her that I know how much fun she has at daddy's and it is ok that she doesn't miss me. She is getting so grown up and becoming her own person. It makes me very proud. Plus her big hugs and kisses when I pick her up on Sunday make up for the whole not missing me thing. :)

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