Monday, January 18, 2010

Ice Skating at Pan Am plaza

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day. We took McKenna ice skating for the first time today at Pan Am Plaza. She has been so excited to go "real" ice skating since we made out faux skating rink across the street on Eagle Creek reservoir. She spent the night at grandma JoJo's last night so I called this morning and told her the plans. The excitment in her voice was awesome. I couldn't wait to get her on the ice. She really wanted me to go buy her her own "skating shoes" before we went. I told her we should wait and see if she really likes it before we make an investment like that. We walked up to pay and get her skates and she was beaming. So excited for her first ice skating experience. I was a little nervous seeing as I have not been ice skating in about 10 years. We started off along the wall until she got a little bit of a feel for it then she ventured out while holding my hand. Over all we had a ton of fun. My skating feet came right back to me. There were a few tears involved as she fell quite a few time. Her poor bottom was soaking wet and "freezing off" she said but she didn't want to stop. There were a few times she told me "uhh I am getting so frusterated" I told her not to give up she would get the hang of it... and she did. I was so proud of her tenacity. She is definitley hard on herself sometimes if she isn't quick to catch on, I think she probably gets a little of that from me. A wonderful day, we can't wait to go back!

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