Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My sick baby :(

We have had a rough couple of weeks with baby Rylan. I was just saying that we have been really lucky that he hasn't been sick at all, just a little cold here and there. Well... just our luck as soon as I say that my poor baby starts weezing and coughing although he never acted like he was sick. Luckily he had his six month check up just a few days after the symptoms began. We took him in for his appointment and Dr. Brunner diagnosed him with RSV, a respiratory virus, and a minor ear infection in his left ear. She said he was the happiest sick baby she had ever seen and sent us home with amoxicillin for the ear infection and breathing treaments and lots of fluid for the RSV. After a few days his weezing was better. We went back to the doctor for a check up and while she did say his RSV was better however he now has an ear infection in the right ear. Augmentin this time, I should have known that was going to be bad. After two days on the antibiotic here came the diarrhea and shortly after that came the vomitting. I can't even tell you how many times I changed my sheets on my bed. Poor baby. He was still the happiest baby ever though. 24 hours on peidalite only and a probiotic to replace the good bacteria in his belly I think he is finally turning the corner. I keep saying we have got to get him well before daddy and I leave for Jamaica and he is with grandma all week. I would hate to leave her with a sick baby! :(

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