Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A day at the museum! Barbie exhibit!

We had a day of fun today!! We started off the day at the children's museum just the kids and I. After visiting all the exhibits including the new Barbie exhibit which Kenna loved and Bob the Builder exhibit we headed down the the cafeteria for some cotton candy, cookies and ice cream. All the sugar a five year old can consume. Poor Rylan only got his bottle and a few puffs. It stinks being a baby. Other than the whole sleeping whenever he wants and being feed on demand. Here are a few pictures from the museum.
She is a natural!!! :)

After the museum we had a fundraiser at McKenna's school called the Brown Bonanza. Ry guy stayed with daddy and Kenna, Papa Gary, Grandma Becky, Aunt Libby and I we were off to party it up. They have one every year. It is similar to a carnival with games, big bounce houses, pizza and face painting. She saw a lot of her friends there, won a tiara with all her tickets, and got her face painted. On the way out we bid on a few of the silent auction items. One was lunch for McKenna with Mrs. Hines and a friend and the other a movie basket with a movie and TONS of candy. We won them both!!!! lots of goodies and supporting Brown Elementary, what a good night.
Well if you thought the fun was going to stop there well...you are crazy. The night was young and we had a lot of sugar. So what is better to end the night and expend all your sugar......you guessed right!!! Chuck-E-Cheese it is!! Lots of kids and lots of fun as always.
By the end of the night McKenna was absolutley beaming. She felt so special that we all spent the whole day and night doing everything for her. On the way home she told me "mommy thank you so much for all my surprises today, I am such a lucky girl". That made it all worth it! I live for these days with my kids. Seeing them happy makes everything right in the world!

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