Monday, February 8, 2010

Kids say the darndist things

McKenna has been on a kick of saying some of the funniest stuff. Just a few examples that brighten my day....

    The Indianapolis Colts were headed to the Super Bowl and we were talking about how much we LOVE the Colts. As we were walking up the stairs she says, "Mommy you know I love those colts, they are all my Hero's." Her Hero's!!! I thought maybe mommy would be her hero but no football players!! Well, she picked a great group of guys to be her hero's. Unfortunatley the Colts lost the Super Bowl to the Saints but she says she still loves them, and so do I.

    We got about 6 inches of snow last friday. While on the way to Michaels craft store we were talking about the snow and how beautiful it is. Kenna proceeds to tell me that there are animals that can change how they look to blend in with their environment. They have to even close their eyes so that no one can see them. Then she tells me that this is called massage. After a few puzzling seconds I realize that the word she meant was camoflage!! That Mrs. Hines teaches her the coolest things and they sure do listen but sometimes it is hard to recall everything! :)

    Two of McKenna's favorite foods these days are "macaroni" pizza. Also know as pepperoni pizza...pretty close. I wonder what macaroni pizza would taste like? She also love "basketi" I don't know any child that can say spagetti correctly. It makes me smile everytime. We have spagetti at least once a week just so I can hear her say it.

Mr. Rylan has been a busy little guy too. Although he is still not rolling over he is starting to show signs that he may be interested in it. He kind of looks over and starts to roll his hips however when he realizes this is going to take quite a bit of effort he gives up and decides that being on your back isn't so bad. There are quite a few interesting things on the ceiling. Cookie Monster has also learned how to blow rasberries. Very cute but very wet and when executed while eating green beans can become quite messy. He loves the reaction he gets when the green goo sprays all over mommy's face!!

They keep me on my toes for sure...and I love every second of it!!

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