Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My sick baby :(

We have had a rough couple of weeks with baby Rylan. I was just saying that we have been really lucky that he hasn't been sick at all, just a little cold here and there. Well... just our luck as soon as I say that my poor baby starts weezing and coughing although he never acted like he was sick. Luckily he had his six month check up just a few days after the symptoms began. We took him in for his appointment and Dr. Brunner diagnosed him with RSV, a respiratory virus, and a minor ear infection in his left ear. She said he was the happiest sick baby she had ever seen and sent us home with amoxicillin for the ear infection and breathing treaments and lots of fluid for the RSV. After a few days his weezing was better. We went back to the doctor for a check up and while she did say his RSV was better however he now has an ear infection in the right ear. Augmentin this time, I should have known that was going to be bad. After two days on the antibiotic here came the diarrhea and shortly after that came the vomitting. I can't even tell you how many times I changed my sheets on my bed. Poor baby. He was still the happiest baby ever though. 24 hours on peidalite only and a probiotic to replace the good bacteria in his belly I think he is finally turning the corner. I keep saying we have got to get him well before daddy and I leave for Jamaica and he is with grandma all week. I would hate to leave her with a sick baby! :(

Best of friends

It's still snowing outside. We have been spending quite a few of our days in our pajama's all day inside the warm house playing. I think the kiddo's like this change of pace rather than running around doing errand all day. And while I don't feel quite as productive I must admit I thouroughly enjoy the lazy days as well. Here are a few pictures from one of our lazy snow days. Rylan loves when big sister doesn't have school and she can play with him all day long!

Look at those gorgeous kids!!
They love each other!!
These two angels are the lights of my life and I can't imagine a day without them!!!

My little Valentines!

We had a wonderful Valentines Day!! We have been living with Jimmy for a whole year on Valentines Day. I can't believe how fast it has gone. A lot has happened in the past year and we couldn't be happier!!
Kenna's basket of goodies mommy got her.
McKenna wearing brother's super bowl hat.
My littlest valentine!! Not feeling very well :(

A day at the museum! Barbie exhibit!

We had a day of fun today!! We started off the day at the children's museum just the kids and I. After visiting all the exhibits including the new Barbie exhibit which Kenna loved and Bob the Builder exhibit we headed down the the cafeteria for some cotton candy, cookies and ice cream. All the sugar a five year old can consume. Poor Rylan only got his bottle and a few puffs. It stinks being a baby. Other than the whole sleeping whenever he wants and being feed on demand. Here are a few pictures from the museum.
She is a natural!!! :)

After the museum we had a fundraiser at McKenna's school called the Brown Bonanza. Ry guy stayed with daddy and Kenna, Papa Gary, Grandma Becky, Aunt Libby and I we were off to party it up. They have one every year. It is similar to a carnival with games, big bounce houses, pizza and face painting. She saw a lot of her friends there, won a tiara with all her tickets, and got her face painted. On the way out we bid on a few of the silent auction items. One was lunch for McKenna with Mrs. Hines and a friend and the other a movie basket with a movie and TONS of candy. We won them both!!!! lots of goodies and supporting Brown Elementary, what a good night.
Well if you thought the fun was going to stop there well...you are crazy. The night was young and we had a lot of sugar. So what is better to end the night and expend all your sugar......you guessed right!!! Chuck-E-Cheese it is!! Lots of kids and lots of fun as always.
By the end of the night McKenna was absolutley beaming. She felt so special that we all spent the whole day and night doing everything for her. On the way home she told me "mommy thank you so much for all my surprises today, I am such a lucky girl". That made it all worth it! I live for these days with my kids. Seeing them happy makes everything right in the world!

Happy half birthday baby Rylan!!

Go Colts!!!

I have been a little behind on my blogging this month. We have been very busy here at the Smith, Nulliner, Blake house. We have had Super Bowls birthdays and Jimmy and I are getting ready to leave for a week in Jamaica with our friends on the 27th of February. Here are a few posts to get ya'll up to date. I will start with Super Bowl!! Our wonderful Indianapolis Colts went to the Super Bowl in Miami to play the New Orleans Saints. It was a great game but Peyton Manning and our Colts came up a little short. If we had to loose I am glad it was to the Saints. They are a great team and they really deserved it!! Here are a few pics of my little Colts fans.

Go Colts!!!
Awesome hair. Morning after we put the whole head of hair in braids. She looks like a rock star!
McKenna's Colts cupcakes she made for the Super Bowl party!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kids say the darndist things

McKenna has been on a kick of saying some of the funniest stuff. Just a few examples that brighten my day....

    The Indianapolis Colts were headed to the Super Bowl and we were talking about how much we LOVE the Colts. As we were walking up the stairs she says, "Mommy you know I love those colts, they are all my Hero's." Her Hero's!!! I thought maybe mommy would be her hero but no football players!! Well, she picked a great group of guys to be her hero's. Unfortunatley the Colts lost the Super Bowl to the Saints but she says she still loves them, and so do I.

    We got about 6 inches of snow last friday. While on the way to Michaels craft store we were talking about the snow and how beautiful it is. Kenna proceeds to tell me that there are animals that can change how they look to blend in with their environment. They have to even close their eyes so that no one can see them. Then she tells me that this is called massage. After a few puzzling seconds I realize that the word she meant was camoflage!! That Mrs. Hines teaches her the coolest things and they sure do listen but sometimes it is hard to recall everything! :)

    Two of McKenna's favorite foods these days are "macaroni" pizza. Also know as pepperoni pizza...pretty close. I wonder what macaroni pizza would taste like? She also love "basketi" I don't know any child that can say spagetti correctly. It makes me smile everytime. We have spagetti at least once a week just so I can hear her say it.

Mr. Rylan has been a busy little guy too. Although he is still not rolling over he is starting to show signs that he may be interested in it. He kind of looks over and starts to roll his hips however when he realizes this is going to take quite a bit of effort he gives up and decides that being on your back isn't so bad. There are quite a few interesting things on the ceiling. Cookie Monster has also learned how to blow rasberries. Very cute but very wet and when executed while eating green beans can become quite messy. He loves the reaction he gets when the green goo sprays all over mommy's face!!

They keep me on my toes for sure...and I love every second of it!!