Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rylan 10 months old!!

My sweet baby boy is 10 months old!!! Growing bigger and getter more and more mischevious every day! Rylan is crawling all over the place and getting into everything he is not supposed to. He is all boy! He will wait until you back is turned for a second and next thing you know he is up the first flight of stairs. Baby boy certainly keeps mommy on her toes. Let the baby proofing begin. June 11 Rylan took his first steps from Grandma to Mommy. Daddy wouldn't believe it untill he saw it for himself. He took about 5 steps back and forth between us maybe 5 times and he was worn out but he was so proud of himself. Everytime he would finish we would all cheer. He thought it was pretty cool. Before we know it he will be running around with big sister! She can't wait for him to walk!

Rylan has also added a few new words to his vocabulary. He says Mama, Dada, Sis Sis, BaBa, and Bye Bye. So cute...usually he won't even wave he just says bye bye, even when he is just crawling to the other side of the room. :) He is soo smart!!

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