Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Father's Day 2010

We got to celebrate Father's Day with a lot of Dads as well as Jimmy's first father's day. We got him a card and a gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods so he can buy some new tennis shoes. Here are a few pictures from our day.
My Daddy on Father's Day
Jimmy and Kenna jumping in the trampoline

Beautiful Kenna!!
Papa Davis on Father's Day. He is the father to 8

Rylan and his daddy on father's day!!

belted up and ready to go

Rylan's new carseat cover came in this month. I believe you are supposed to wait until they are 1 year old and 20 pounds before you turn them around. While he is just a month short of being 1 he has already surpassed the 20 pounds so we decided to go ahead and turn him around. He absolutely loves it. He thinks it is pretty cool sitting like a big sister!!

Here are a few pics of the first time in.

Rylan's first haircut!!

Mommy decided that Rylan needed a little bit taken off top so we took him to cookie cutters to get his first haircut with big sister. He did soo well. He just sat there driving his car and watching Yo Gabba Gabba. I hope he is aways that good about it. Rylan is really starting to look grown up now!!

Misc. Pics of Rylan


cute baby toes!!

finally decided to hold his own bottle at 10 months old :) haha

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

fun in the sun!

We have had a lot of really warm days already and it is only June!! Needless to say we have been spending a lot of our time outside in the water. Here are a couple pictures from the pool and the pond fishing.

Swinging on the rope. She wouldn't jump into the water though.

We call this Rylan's "Bad ass face"

Finger painting mess ;)

 I remember when McKenna was about 10 months old I introduced her to finger painting. She loved it. Feeling the slimy paint in her fingers was so much fun. She did really well with it and we did it alot. I should have known it would turn out differently with the boy!! Rylan enjoyed it but for a much different reason. He liked eating the the paint AND the paper! Here are a couple pics to show our adventure. Kenna still makes beautiful artwork with the finger paints. I think she will be my artistic one. Rylan may be my competitive eater. :)

More softball fun!!!

Rylan 10 months old!!

My sweet baby boy is 10 months old!!! Growing bigger and getter more and more mischevious every day! Rylan is crawling all over the place and getting into everything he is not supposed to. He is all boy! He will wait until you back is turned for a second and next thing you know he is up the first flight of stairs. Baby boy certainly keeps mommy on her toes. Let the baby proofing begin. June 11 Rylan took his first steps from Grandma to Mommy. Daddy wouldn't believe it untill he saw it for himself. He took about 5 steps back and forth between us maybe 5 times and he was worn out but he was so proud of himself. Everytime he would finish we would all cheer. He thought it was pretty cool. Before we know it he will be running around with big sister! She can't wait for him to walk!

Rylan has also added a few new words to his vocabulary. He says Mama, Dada, Sis Sis, BaBa, and Bye Bye. So cute...usually he won't even wave he just says bye bye, even when he is just crawling to the other side of the room. :) He is soo smart!!