Wednesday, May 5, 2010

McKenna looses her first tooth!!

The other night I was brushing McKenna's teeth. I start to brush the bottom ones and I look down and what do I see?? Her permanent tooth coming in BEHIND her baby tooth. I start freaking out of course thinking that this is going to mess up her teeth forever and ruin her beautiful smile. Jimmy looks online and finds out that it is called "shark teeth". Very common and easy to fix. I called Dr. Melissa the next morning and she wants to see her that afternoon so they can "help that tooth come out". The one thing that McKenna was freaking out about. Without telling her they were going to pull the tooth I took her in. They explained everything so well and made her feel so comfortable. She got laughing gas which she loved. She really did laugh the whole time! She didn't even realize they had taken the tooth out! I said "wow its all done" she goes "what's all done?" So easy and she wants they rest of her teeth taken out like that!! :)

Here are a few pics.
the nose mask she has on smelled like bubble gum. They gave her about 6 choices of what flavor she wanted. They never had that when I was a kid.
Its' all gone. She is still the cutest think I have ever seen!!!

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