Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break 2010

We had a very busy week for McKenna's week off school. We had absolutely beautiful weather every day she was off. Just a few of our fun activities include;

 Swimming with the Ballingers and staying the night at the Hampton Inn in Brownsburg. She had so much fun and it was her first night staying away with someone other than mommy, daddy, and the grandparents. She did awesome. We also spent the day at the canal in Indianapolis and went paddleboating. We also had a few more firsts for McKenna this week as well. She went roller skating for the first time. It was a little rough starting out but she started getting the hang of it towards the end. She was so proud of herself. Her technique is  a little unorthodox but it works. She sort of runs then rolls for a second. We also saw our first 3D movie at IMAX. "How to train your dragon" was so cool!!! She was amazed at the whole thing. She said "Mom, it's like I am in the movie with them, I could almost reach out and touch the dragon." Finally Easter wrapped up our week off. The weather was beautiful and we were able to do an Easter egg hunt outside this year. The Easter bunny brought the kiddos lots of cool things.Candy for McKenna, Puffs and other baby snacks for Rylan. He also brought McKenna a gardening kit with flowers for her to plant and Ry got a blowup penguin. What a wonderful way to end our week but with family!! :)

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