Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First day at the park!!

Here are just a few of the fifty pictures we took at the park. The kiddo's had so much fun getting out of the house for the first time this year!
Smilin Rylan
Showing me all 5 of his teeth!! He is so advanced for a 7 month old!
My beauty!
That smile will make your heart melt!
Taking brother for a ride on the merry-go-round. We slowed it down just a bit for him. Kenna like to go FAST!!! She is quite the wild woman.
Rylan discovering grass and dirt. He loved it. He was digging in the mud so much I had to clean it out of his finger nails that night at bathtime.
Here is my little monkey. She went across these really difficult up and down monkey bars about three times!! Pretty amazing considering I think I could only make it half way! She is tiny but awful strong. :)
Brobie was holding on for dear life!! He loved it. Smiling the whole time.

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