Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hendricks County Fair


Misc. Pics

Plainfield water park, Splash Island. Very HOT and lots of people but we had soo much fun. Rylan loved sitting in the zero entry pool. Kenna was upset because she was still too short to go on any of the big water slides. She is too much of a dare devil to not be allowed to go on anything. Maybe next year.

Rylan with cousin Morgan
Standing under the water fall
playing in the beach area they have...getting extremely dirty! :)
Rylan's new haircut. We got it cut short this time. I LOVE it!! I will never let it get long again. He really looks like a little man now!!
Washing her Mustang. She washed it 3 days in a row!!

First time Rylan has ever fallen asleep in his high chair. You know he must have been tired because he never leaves food on his tray!!

Awful sweet!!

Having cupcakes at "the flying cupcake" a bakery in downtown Indianapolis.  They were delicious!!

beautiful decor!! looked like an old soda shop.

waiting for his cupcake :)

Rylan 11 months old

11 months old with his monkey. Almost bigger than him!! :)

Rylan started walking this month. He took his first steps alone on June 28th but really started getting around in the last couple weeks.

Here is a video of him at sissy's gymnastics walking around trying to keep himself busy.

Kenna's Gymnastics

Kenna is getting stronger everyday at gymnastics. She is able to climb completely up the rope in the main gym. None of the other girls can even make it a fifth of the way up. Everyone is so impressed!!! Yeah Kenna. Mommy is so proud of this little girl!! :)

July 27th McKenna gets her back walkover from a bridge. I didn't have the video at the gym so I had her reinact it at home. Again she is the 1st girl to do this in her training group!!!! :)

Fourth of July Carnival